
Wick's required setup allowed us to make the fastest possible lockdown you can ever have on Discord.
w!lockdown ?t PARAMETER
Slash Command Syntax
/lock add channel channel:
/lock add channels blind:
/lock add joins !action:
/lock add roles
Note: Any parameter prefixed with ! is required, the others are optional.
Members able to use the lockdown command are:
- Server Owner and Extra Owners.
- Trusted Admins.
- Members with lockdown perms.
[Custom Permits]
Parameters are the different types of lockdowns. The lockdown parameters are as follow:
Premium Wick has additional lockdown parameters:
[1] Channel (c)
Any PUBLIC channel can be locked by using w!lock ?t channel or w!lock ?t c
- ?t stands for type and c stands for channel.
- shurtcuts:
w!lockc #channel
w!clock #channel
- no need to mention the channel if you were in the exact channel, w!clock for example will work fine
For example, if you wish to lock down a channel named #general
, use the command
in that channel or even from a different channel.
You can also specify a certain channel or channels to lock by using w!clock #channel or w!clock #channel1 #channel2 #channel3
A list of locked channels can be viewed by typing w!lock
You can only mention the channel, You CAN NOT use its name or ID.
[2.] Channels (sc)
All the channels in your server, regardless of how many you have, can be locked down in a seconds by doing w!lock ?t channels or w!lock ?t sc Wick will deny perms for everyone below it to send messages in your channels unless some specific roles/users if they are forced to see/talk in those channels.
- ?t stands for type and sc stands for server channels.
- shurtcuts: w!lockchannels / w!serverlock / w!slock / w!locks / w!lockserver
For super large servers where it can get laggy, Wick's lockdown is the best possible system you guys can use. No outage, No crashing for your members. You can also use the
[3.] Join Auto KICK (k)
If you are under an attack and malicious accounts keep joining, you can just do w!lock ?t kick or w!lock ?t k and have Wick automatically start KICKING any new account joining!
- ?t stands for type and k stands for kick.
People with permit 3 can NOT use this type.
[4.] Join Auto BAN (b)
If you are under an attack and malicious accounts keep joining, you can just do w!lock ?t ban or w!lock ?t b and have Wick automatically start BANNING any new account joining!
- ?t stands for type and b stands for ban.
People with permit 3 can NOT use this type.
[5.] Roles (r)
This is a PREMIUM feature.
If you are under threat or you want to simply block all your admins and mods from having any permissions in your server, this is the best lockdown mode for it. Simply do w!lock ?t roles and watch the beauty. No worries, Wick will remember what he did and everything will be back to normal once you unlocked it.
- ?t stands for type and r stands for roles.
This lockdown will order wick to remove dangerous permissions from any and all roles below it if you receive nuke threats from your admins.
People with permit 3 can NOT use this type.
[6.] All /
Server-Wide (all)
This is a PREMIUM feature.
If you want to completely shutdown your server, do w!lock ?t all and Wick will start working on enabling several lockdown modes at once. This is useful if you want to entirely lockdown your server from channels to roles to banning new users .
The list of lockdowns that will be enabled are:
Server Channels Roles Join Auto Ban
People with permit 3 can NOT use this type.
BLIND flag (-b)
It is a special flag that you can add when locking down channels (or when using the all type) that will make Wick hide all channels or a specific channel from your server members depending on the type you provide. Blind locking all channels will create a new channel stating that a lockdown was issued in an announcement message.
An example would be using w!lock -blind ?t channels or w!lock -blind ?t all Doing so, will hide all the channels from everyone who's under wick. (provided that your permissions are set right)
- w!lock -blind ?t all is PREMIUM.
- This will also create a channel called #server-locked which can be viewed by everyone. You can send important updates to this channel.
Types you can use the blind BLIND Lockdown with:
People with permit 3 can NOT use the blind flag where they can send updates as explained bellow.
Sending Updates
You'll be able to also push UPDATES to the announcement message sent by wick in #server-locked channel created by him.
- The syntax to do that is:
w!lock YOUR-UPDATE-MESSAGE ?t update
- shortcuts: w!lockupdate UPDATE-MESSAGE / w!updatel UPDATE-MESSAGE / w!locku UPDATE-MESSAGE
For example, we wish to push three updates we'll do:
For example
we wish to push three updates we'll do:
w!lockupdate Hello! We had to lockdown this server due to some unfortunate events
w!lock This is update #2 ?t update
w!locku Please be patient until we sort this out
The announcement message will keep track of only the latest 5 updates pushed! You can also use the command to update even in the announcement channel itself, Wick will take care of the rest :)
Panic Mode
This is a PREMIUM feature.
Panic mode, when triggered it initiates the ROLES Lockdown. Wick will take away permissions from any and all roles below it until it scans the entirety of your server to quarantine the users/bots that triggered it.
Unlocking Server when ending:
Wick will unlock the
Ending a lockdown
You can also unlock an active mode quickly! Active lockdown modes can be viewed by typing w!lock if you are unsure of the modes that are active in your server.
w!unlock ?t TYPE
Slash Command Syntax
/lock remove channel channel:
/lock remove channels
/lock remove joins
/lock remove roles
Wick will log your lockdowns in your audit logs and
You should NOT use wick's lockdown if your permissions aren't set up right!
- Never force
or main roles if you have them to VIEW CHANNELS or SEND MESSAGES in a channel settings. - All your server roles (except the
role or main roles if you have) should not have the permissions to SEND MESSAGES and VIEW CHANNELS.
you can do w!tshoot lockdown and let Wick tweak the perms for you!