# Slowmode


# Description

This command allows you to make Wick set a slowmode duration to a single or multiple channels quickly.


Command Job
w!slowmode 15s Sets 15 seconds as a slowmode in the channel you type the command in
w!slowmode #general 1h Sets a slowmode of 1 hour for #general (even w!slowmode 1h #channel will work fine as well)
w!sm #general #bots #help 6h Sets a slowmode of 6 hours in #general, #bots and #help
w!slowmode 0 545962576098361372 536288822728720384 536288784422141988 Resets the slowmode for the previous channels withs IDs ( w!slowmode 545962576098361372 536288822728720384 536288784422141988 will work fine as well)

# Aliases

w!slowmode w!sm

# Permit

Members able to use this command are:

  • Server Owner and Extra Owners.
  • Trusted Admins.
  • Members with Wick Slowmode permission. [Custom Permits]

# Syntax


That's the Channel or Multiple Channels you want to set a slowmode duration on.

For Example, if you want to set a slowmode in #commands, you can use the command w!slowmode #commands X where X is the time you want to set.

You can even set a slowmode in multiple channels in one command. For example, if you want to set a sm in 3 channels at once, You can use the command w!slowmode #general #bots #help X where X is the time you want to set.

You can mention the channel or use its ID.

# Using mentions

  • w!sm #general #bots #help 1h
    • This command will set a slowmode of 1h in #general, #bots and #help.
    • You DON'T have to use commas for mentions

# Using IDs

  • w!sm X 545962576098361372 536288822728720384 536288784422141988
    • This to set 15 minutes as a slowmode in channels with IDs "545962576098361372, 536288822728720384, 536288784422141988". those are #general, #bots and #help.
    • You DON'T have to provide commas for this


That's the time you want to set as a slowmode duration in a specific channel(s). You'll have to specify the number and the type of period. 1m meaning 1 minute, 1h meaning 1 hour, and so on.

For Example, if you want to set a slowmode of 5 minutes in #bots, you can use the command w!slowmode #bts 5m . even w!slowmode 5m #bts will work fine!

# Logging