# Kick


# Description

Wick allows you to get rid of annoying/toxic members from your server in style based on any scenario happening.


Command Job
w!k @katemoon Kicks the member katemoon
w!k 395250833748656138 Kicks kate with her ID
w!k @Salvi0 @ark Kicks multiple members
w!k 506513851576221706 826430920231616573 Kicks multiple members with their IDs
w!k lawson g, fnaki, ZonuM Kicks multiple members with their usernames separated by commas
w!k @Daddy Panda ?r annoying Kicks Daddy Panda for the reason (annoying). The parameter ?r tells Wick what the reason is.

# Aliases

w!kick w!k

# Permit

Members able to use this command are:

  • Server Owner and Extra Owners.
  • Trusted Admins.
  • Members with Wick Kick permission. [Custom Permits]

# Syntax


That's the Member or Multiple Members you want to kick.

For Example, If you want to kick a user, say jq#6590, You can use the command w!kick jq#6590 to kick him.

You can even kick multiple members in one command. For example, If you want to kick 3 users at once, You can use the command w!kick Developerツ#1234, Timmy#0069, Jup#1337

You can mention the member, type out their username, their tag, or even their ID.

# Using mentions

  • w!kick @Mabelyn @nance @Pure™
    • This command will kick Mabelyn, nance and Pure.
    • You DON'T have to use commas for mentions

# Using nicknames/usernames

  • w!kick Mabelyn, nance, Pure
    • This command will kick Mabelyn, nance and Pure without the use of mentions.
    • You have to add commas for this

# Using usernames with discriminator

  • w!kick Mabelyn#6256, nance#1234, Pure™#0087
    • This command will kick Mabelyn, nance and Pure using their full usernames.
    • You have to add commas for this

# Using IDs

  • w!kick 933196327469338635 716281078586802226 785921007047147550
    • This is to kick the user, who has the IDs "933196327469338635, 716281078586802226, 785921007047147550". In this case, it's Mabelyn, nance and Pure.
    • You DON'T have to provide commas for this
  • You don't have to type the full thing if you are sure it's the only member with a username / tag that start with what you want to provide. For an example, i only know that Mabelyn#6256 is the only member with such a name, i can just do w!k mab and Wick would pick it up.
  • You don't have to respect the same type of members you provide as in, they don't have ALL to be mentions or all tags. You can provide anything you want and you only need to separate using commas.
    • Example: w!k fnaki, mobilfan#1, 514873754178945044


Parameters are the kick options you can pass if you want extra input or a custom behavior. They must come after the members! The parameters available for kick commands are as follows:

Parameter Job
?r REASON Adds a reason to a kick. If you want to add a reason why you are ban the member(s). REASON is replaced with the actual reason. w!k @Jdog ?r cute
?dm Makes Wick DM the kicked user. If you want Wick to actually DM the member(s) you want to kick with a briefing on why just throw in the ?dm parameter. w!k Venom ?dm
?p Sends a compact response w!k Pride ?p
  • You can use multiple parameters at once.
    • Example: w!k kazi ?p ?dm ?r annoying
  • Without the use of ?dm parameter, you can make wick always DM the target by doing w!misc 2e ?on

# Immunity

People you can't kick are:

  • Server Owner and Extra Owners.
  • Trusted Admins.
  • Members with one of Wick's permissions.
  • Members above Wick.

# Logging